Identification of Peroxisome Membrane Proteins (PMPs) in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Cotyledons and Influence of Light on the PMP Developmental Pattern

Boundary membranes were recovered from glyoxysomes, transition peroxisomes, and leaf-type peroxisomes purified from cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at three stages of postgerminative growth. After membranes were washed in 100 mM Na2CO3 (pH 11.5), integral peroxisome membrane proteins (PMPs) were solubilized in buffered aminocaproic acid/dodecyl maltoside (0.63 M/1.5%) and analyzed by nondenaturing and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Six prominent nondenatured PMP complexes and 10 prominent SDS-denatured polypeptides were identified in the membranes of the three types of peroxisomes. A nondenatured complex of approximately 140 kD, composed mainly of 24.5-kD polypeptides, decreased temporally, independently of seedling exposure to white, blue, or red light; only far-red light seemed to prevent its decrease. PMP complexes of approximately 120 and 70 kD, in contrast, were present at all stages and changed in polypeptide content. It remains to be determined whether these data reflect changes within in vivo complexes or within complexes formed following/during detergent solubilization. Conversion of glyoxysomes to leaf-type peroxisomes in white or red light after a 2-d dark period was accompanied by the appearance of three SDS-denatured PMPs: 27.5, 28, and 47 kD. The former two became part of the PMP120 and 70 complexes, as well as part of a new PMP130 complex that also possessed the PMP47. Growth of seedlings in blue or far-red light did not promote the appearance of PMPs 27.5 or 28. Blue light promoted the appearance of PMP47, and far-red light seemed to prevent its appearance. Chlorophyll likely is not the photoreceptor involved in accumulation of PMPs because the PMP composition is distinctly different in seedlings irradiated with red or blue light of comparable fluence rates. Several lines of evidence indicate that the synthesis and acquisition of membrane and all matrix proteins are not coupled. The data provide evidence for a change in PMP composition when sunflower or any other oilseed glyoxysomes are converted to leaf-type peroxisomes and suggest that the change is regulated by both photobiological and temporal mechanisms.