Several synthetic, long-chain unsaturated fatty acids were tested for their ability to replace oleic acid in the growth of Corynebacterium "Q." cis- and trans-Palmitoleic, cis- and trans-heptadec-9-enoic, and cis-and trans-vaccenic acids were all approx. equivalent to oleic acid in growth-promoting ability, trans-My ristoleic acid gave slight growth in higher concns. cis- and trans-Gadoleic, cis-myristoleic, and cis- and trans-octadec-4-enoic acids were inactive. The results indicate that unsaturated fatty acids with chain lengths 2 C atoms longer, or 4 C atoms shorter than oleic acid or with the double bond 1 or 2 atoms nearer the carboxyl than the 6,7 position are incapable of replacing oleic acid in the growth of this organism. Within these limits oleic acid can be replaced by several fatty acids with either the cis or the trans configuration.