Quantum cosmology, inflationary brane-world creation and dS/CFT correspondence

  • 12 November 2001
The creation of 4d de Sitter (inflationary) boundary gluing two d5 de Sitter bulks on the classical as well as on quantum level (with account of brane QFT via corresponding trace anomaly induced effective action) is discussed. Quantum effects decrease the classical de Sitter brane radius or create new de Sitter brane with even smaller radius. It is important that brane CFT may be chosen to be dual to one of 5d de Sitter bulks, making the explicit relation of de Sitter brane-world with dS/CFT correspondence. In this way, the localization of gravity on the brane is shown. Moving (time-dependent) de Sitter brane in d5 SdS BH is considered. In the special coordinate system where brane equations look like quantum-corrected FRW equations the comparison with similar brane equations in SAdS BH bulk is done.

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