High Resolution Trilayer Electron Beam Resist System Employing P[Mma/Maa] And Reliable Reactive Ion Etch Processes

A high resolution trilayer resist system based on the copolymer e-beam resist P[MMA/MAA], an SiO2 interlayer, and a polyimide base layer will be described. High resolution reactive ion etch processes have been developed that minimize base layer undercut and provide for cleanly patterned windows for 150 nm thick aluminum lift-off. Residue formation on the base layer sidewalls after reactive ion etching has been found to depend on the substrate film composition. Linewidth variations as a function of exposure dose, development time, and reactive ion etch conditions will be discussed. The extent to which trilayer stencils can be used for high resolution reversal processes has been found to be limited by the polyimide thickness required for planarization and proximity effect reduction, aluminum film thickness required, and the minimum line space desired.

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