The Theory of Finite Displacement Operators and Fundamental Length

The general finite displacement operator in an n-dimensional complex continuum is defined as an arbitrary superposition of exponential Taylor operators (a Taylor operator yields a Taylor's series). On restriction to the space-time continuum and four-dimensional time-like intervals of constant length ω, the corresponding finite displacement operator may be considered as an ordinary function of the operators uσ (the partial derivative with respect to xσ), and must satisfy a Klein-Gordon type equation in u space. This equation possesses relativistic invariant and four-vector solutions that in the limit ω0 reduce to 1 and uσ, respectively. These operators are combined with the Compton wavelength k and the Dirac or Duffin γσ, respectively, to produce a relativistically invariant correspondence type finite-displacement operator generalization of the Dirac-Duffin equation. If the fields are charged, the electromagnetic potentials may be introduced in a manner which leaves the mass spectrum unaltered. The relationship to other nonlocal theories and to the reciprocity theory of Born is briefly considered.