Charge asymmetry of the nucleon-nucleon interaction

Based upon the Bonn meson-exchange model for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction, we study systematically the charge-symmetry-breaking (CSB) of the NN interaction due to nucleon mass splitting. Particular attention is paid to CSB generated by the 2π-exchange contribution to the NN interaction, πρ diagrams, and other multimeson exchanges. We calculate the CSB differences in the 1S0 effective range parameters as well as phase shift differences in S, P, and higher partial waves up to 300 MeV laboratory energy. We find a total CSB difference in the singlet scattering length of 1.6 fm which explains the empirical value accurately. The corresponding CSB phase-shift differences are appreciable at low energy in the 1S0 state. In the other partial waves, the CSB splitting of the phase shifts is small and increases with energy, with typical values in the order of 0.1° at 300 MeV in P and D waves.