Levels and social patterns of self-reported physical activity in Scotland

REPORTED levels of physical activity from a survey of cardiovascular risk factors in a representative sample of 10,359 Scottish men and women aged 40-59 years were investigated. Less than one quarter reported engaging in regular strenuous activity, al though three quarters thought that exercise was pro tective against heart disease. Further, although just over one third said they had tried to take more exer cise in the preceding year, only 14 per cent of the men and 12 per cent of the women said they had increased their levels of physical activity. The proportions tak ing strenuous activity at work increased with decreasing social class for men and women, but for activity at leisure this trend was only seen for women. It is concluded that, despite the subjective nature of self-reported activity, levels of physical ac tivity in middle-aged men and women in Scotland are lower than is desirable, and that this is not simply due to a lack of health knowledge.