The SU(6) baryon bootstrap model is used to calculate the baryon 56 electromagnetic mass parameters in a first-order expansion in the electromagnetic mass parameters of the constituent 56 baryon and 35 meson multiplets. The direct electromagnetic corrections are approximated by a consideration of the one-photon-exchange contribution. The resulting equations that give the baryonic electromagnetic mass parameters in terms of the mesonic electromagnetic mass parameters and a driving-term contribution have no free parameters. The vector-meson contributions are found to be smaller than the pseudoscalar-meson contributions. Seven electromagnetic mass sum rules that correspond to the vanishing of the 2695 component in the baryonic mass spectrum appear as a consequence of the model. The U-spin approach of SU(3) is adopted to estimate the mesonic electromagnetic mass mixing parameters. The baryonic electromagnetic mass differences that are calculated from these numbers, and the experimental values for the mesonic electromagnetic-mass differences, are in reasonable agreement with experiment. We list explicit representations of the reduced matrix elements of the strong and electromagnetic mass operator in the 56 and 35 representations.