Genital Herpes

In comparison to primary syphilis, genital herpes was seen seven times more frequently at the outpatient clinics of the New England Medical Center Hospitals. One hundred one cases were verified by virus isolation within a period of 18 months. The incubation period of initial episode of the disease varied from 3 to 14 days, with an average of five days. It was as short as 12 hours in recurrent cases. Twenty-one isolates were typed by immunofluorescent method. Eleven were type 1; ten were type 2. The unusual frequency of genital herpes due to type 1 virus is probably related to the prevalence of orogenital sex play. The overall incidence of genital herpes among all cases seen in the Skin Clinic during 1971 and 1972 was 0.8%. (JAMA229:544-545, 1974)

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