The Map Expansion Obtained With Recombinant Inbred Strains and Intermated Recombinant Inbred Populations for Finite Generation Designs

The generation of special crosses between different inbred lines such as recombinant inbred strains (RIS) and intermated recombinant inbred populations (IRIP) is being used to improve the power of QTL detection techniques, in particular fine mapping. These approaches acknowledge the fact that recombination of linked loci increases with every generation, caused by the accumulation of crossovers appearing between the loci at each meiosis. This leads to an expansion of the map distance between the loci. While the amount of the map expansion of RIS and IRIP is known for infinite inbred generations, it is not known for finite numbers of generations. This gap was closed here. Since the recursive evaluation of the map expansion factors turned out to be complex, a useful approximation was derived.