Monocytoid B-Cell Lymphoma with Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Involvement at Presentation

A case of malignant lymphoma showing in a lymph node the characteristic morphologic features of the so-called monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (MBCL) is described. This case differs from the reported cases in the literature because atypical cells were observed in the bone marrow biopsy and marrow and peripheral blood smears that were obtained from the patient, a 61-year-old man, during the staging procedures. Lymphocyte surface marker studies on peripheral blood by flow cytometry and DNA analysis revealed a monoclonal population of lambda-positive lymphocytes. The immunophenotype of MBCL cells was studied both in paraffin-embedded lymph node sections by immunoperoxidase method and in peripheral blood by flow cytometric analysis; the cells expressed the SIg with lambda light chain restriction and the HLA-DR antigen; they also had positive results for B-cellassociated antigens, including LN1, LN2, CD 20, CD 22, CD 19, CD 9 but not CD 21, CD 24, and CD 10, T-cell-associated antigens and monocytic markers. In addition, they had negative results for CD 25, CD 38, PCA-1. This report emphasizes that in MBCL, peripheral and marrow involvement may occur at presentation analogous to other low-grade B-cell lymphomas. The immunophenotypic characteristics of MBCL cells, though not pathognomonic, are considered to be helpful in differentiating them from circulating cells of other B-cell lymphomas.