A liquid chromatographic method coupled with electrochemical detection was developed to measure plasma trazodone and its metabolite 1-m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP). Following extraction from 1 ml of alkaline plasma with methyl-t-butyl ether, the extracts were chromatographed on a reversed phase trimethylsilyl bonded column using a 0.05 M phosphate buffer and acetonitrile (90:10) with n-nonylamine and sodium heptane sulfonate added to the mobile phase. The compounds were detected via a thin layer electrochemical transducer with glassy carbon electrodes at a potential of + 1.15V vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The recovery of trazodone ranged from 91–97% and the coefficient of variation was less than 5% for between run and within-run analyses. The recovery of m-CPP ranged from 82–86% and the coefficient of variation was less than 8% for between run and within-run analysis. Steady state plasma concentration data are presented from several patients.