Clinical effects and cholinesterase activity changes in workers exposed to phorate (Thimet)

Phorate (Thimet), an aliphatic derivative of phospnorus is a hignly toxic insecticide. In order to implement the safety measures, the clinical manifestations and cholinesterase (ChE) activity were evaluated before and after 2 weeks of exposure to this insecticide in 40 male tormulators. The 2 week's exposure reveal signs and symptoms of toxicity in 60% of the formulators. Gastrointestinal symptoms and lowering of heart rate (bradycardia) were more prominent as compared to the neurological symptoms. A significant depression in plasma ChE activity was observed at the end of 1st week (55%) and 2nd week (71%) as compared to the respective pre‐exposure values. A recovery up to 79% of the pre‐exposure activity of this enzyme was noticed 10 days after cessation of the above exposure.