Far Infrared Resonant Photoconductive Properties in N-Type InSb

Far infrared photoconductivity due to cyclotron resonance in n-type InSb is studied with spectral photo-response under various conditions, that is, magnetic and electric fields, temperatures and carrier concentrations. Two peaks in photo-response are observed near cyclotron resonance frequency. The relative intensity of these two peaks, which come from the transition between Landau levels and that between impurity bands, varies with the change in above conditions. This effect, the carrier-freeze-out effects, is successfully observed in the spectral photo-response and estimated qualitatively. Absorption spectra of water vapor are measured to show the performances as a far infrared detector. Narrow-band characteristics in photo-response are much useful to reject higher order radiation from the dispersion grating. The superior performances of the InSb resonant photoconductor to Golay detectors are shown from the absorption spectra.

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