The effect of uniaxial compression along [100] and [111] on impurity conduction has been investigated in Ga-doped pGe in the concentration range 3×1015<NA<9×1016 cm3 for compensation K=0.04 and in the range 9×1014<NA<4×1016 cm3 for K=0.40. The experiments were performed between 300 and 1.2°K. The largest stress applied was 6.8×109 dyn cm2. The analysis of the experimental results deals primarily with the high-stress region (X>4×109 dyn cm2) in which the two valence bands, which in the absence of stress are degenerate at k = 0, are nearly decoupled so that the effect of the lower band on the acceptor wave function is treated as a perturbation. In the low-concentration region (NA<5×1015 cm3) the extension of Miller and Abrahams' theory to include nonspherical charge distributions, together with the acceptor wave functions calculated from the effective-mass approximation, accounts for the observed stress dependence of the resistivity. At intermediate concentrations (2×1016<NA<9×1016 cm3) a linear relation between the impurity-conduction activation energy ε2 and the acceptor ionization energy ε1 is established. Although the experimental results are not able to distinguish between Mikoshiba's and Frood's theories of the ε2 process they are clearly in disagreement with the predictions of Mycielski's theory. The investigation of the stress dependence of the transition from nonmetallic to metallic conduction yields the stress dependence of the effective Bohr radius. The form of this stress dependence indicates the importance, at high concentrations, of the potential-energy term in the effective-mass Hamiltonian. This term can be neglected at low concentrations.