Recurrent compartment syndrome in the posterior thigh

Recurrent compartment syndromes of the lower ex tremity, which usually occur in conjunction with in tense use of muscle groups, can be briefly defined as an uncomfortable circulatory disturbance associated with a pathologic increase in total intramuscular pres sure. This syndrome has been reported in each of the four compartments of the leg but not in the thigh. Characteristic features of clinical presentation and physical examination are reviewed in this report. We have found that an intracompartmental pressure test (Whitesides Jr, TE, Haney TC, Morimoto K, et al: Tissue pressure measurements as a determinant for the need of fasciotomy. Clin Orthop 1 13: 43-51, 1975) is an invaluable diagnostic aid. A case involving the medial hamstring groups, with characteristic his torical presentation, intracompartmental pressure el evation, and excellent response to fasciotomy, is pre sented and discussed. The only effective treatment in this case was fasciotomy.

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