Estimation of forearm arterial compliance in normal and hypertensive men from simultaneous pressure and flow measurements in the brachial artery, using a pulsed Doppler device and a first-order arterial model during diastole

Simultaneous brachial artery pressure and blood flow measurements were made in 45 men. Blood flow was evaluated by means of a pulsed Doppler device with a double transducer probe. From analysis of the pressure-flow curves during diastole, forearm arterial compliance (FAC) was determined by using the model of the forearm arterial tree as a system of tubes, each with a storage capacitance, in series with the arteriolar resistances vessels. The value of FAC for seven normal subjects, aged 44±3 (mean±SEM) years, was between 0.78 and 1.73·10−10·m−5·N−1. By comparison, a 30% reduction in FAC was observed in 38 men of the same age with essential hypertension, which was similar whether the intra-arterial diastolic pressure was above or below 90 mmHg. In the more severe group (Intra arterial diastolic pressure >90 mmHg), the reduced FAC was associated with a significant increase in brachial artery diameter; after administration of dihydralazine, blood pressure and arterial diameter returned to normal but FAC remained diminished. The study is the first to evaluate FAC in intact men. The reduced FAC in hypertension is independent of blood pressure “per se” but may reflect adaptive change in the walls of the large arteries. In the more severe hypertension, arterial calibre was increased; this could be a mechanism which could prevent FAC from decreasing further with chronic elevation of blood pressure.