Comparison of a Luminescent Bacterial Test with Other Bioassays for Determining Toxicity of Pure Compounds and Complex Effluents

A variety of chemical compounds and complex effluents were evaluated for toxicity using a luminescent bacterial test, and the results were compared with those of the rainbow trout, Spirillum, and Daphnia static bioassays. Direct correlations of the results were difficult as these assays utilize organisms of different levels of biological complexity. The data, however, demonstrated that in the majority of cases the luminescent bacterial test sensitivity was comparable with that of the rainbow trout, Spirillum, and Daphnia bioassays; particularly for organic compounds and complex effluents. Furthermore, this test appears to be relatively inexpensive, rapid, and simple, requires small sample volumes, and generally provides good reproducibility. While the luminescent bacterial test has potential as a valuable tool for short-term toxicity testing of effluents and specialty chemicals, it may be a poor indicator of toxicity for wastewaters containing certain specific compounds (such as ammonia or cyanide). Moreover, the test alone cannot substitute for acute or sublethal hazard assessment. It is therefore recommended that the luminescent bacterial test be used in a battery of screening tests or to supplement other well-established toxicity bioassays.