Antigenic Relationships of 14 Treponemes Demonstrated by Immunofluorescence

Immunofluorescence was used as an aid in the antigenic grouping of 14 cultivable treponemes. Antisera were prepared versus each treponemal strain, and the antiglobulins were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate. A common antigen-antibody system, detected in the strains studied, was removed by absorption of each conjugate with Reiter orBorrelia vincentiitreponemes. Thus, five categories based on shared group-specific antigens were revealed. Serogroup I: Reiter, English Reiter, Kazan, Kazan numbers 2, 4, 5, and 8. Serogroup II: Nichols and Noguchi. Serogroup III: three oral treponemes, MRB, FM, and N-39. Serogroup IV:B. vincentii. Serogroup V:Treponema zuelzerae. The five serogroups apparently are related by an immunofluorescent common antigen.