The magneto-Peltier-Seebeck figure of merit of Te-doped Bi95Sb5 at 80 K

The Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of crystals of Bi95Sb5 doped with various amounts of Te have been measured at 80 K, using samples that were oriented so as to yield the highest thermoelectric figure of merit. A dimensionless figure of merit of 058 has been observed for a crystal doped with nominally 0002 at.% Te in a magnetic field of 04 T, this being significantly higher than the best value that was found for an intrinsic crystal. From the change of thermal conductivity with magnetic field it has been possible to estimate a value of 2.8 W m−1 K−1 for the lattice conductivity. A rather low Lorenz number is attributed to inelastic scattering of the electrons.