The fine structure of the pore cells in pre- and post-hatched Deroceras reticulatum is described. The cells have been divided into three main types on morphological grounds, one type being particularly rich in glycogen. Certain pore cells contain haemocyanin granules in grooves below cytoplasmic tongues, and in characteristic double-membrane-bounded vesicles within dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as in other identified areas. All types of pore cells show fine fibres reminiscent of collagen associated with the basal lamina and pore complexes. In addition to acid phosphatase activity in lysosomes and Golgi elements, intra- and extracisternal activity has been demonstrated in association with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The intracisternal activity is in close proximity to the Golgi apparatus and may represent enzyme that is about to enter the GERL system. Extracisternal activity may be associated with cellular lysis and death, or may represent local areas of degradation leading to cytodifferentiation. Remnants of lysed pore cells appear to be taken up by connective tissue amoebocytes.