Contrast-boosted resist using a polarity-change reaction during aqueous base development

A high-contrast resist, called a contrast boosted resist (CBR), using a water-repellent compound that changes into hydrophilic compounds during aqueous base development has been developed for electron-beam (EB) lithography. TBAB, 1,3,5-tris(bromoacetyl)benzene, was identified as the best water-repellent compound for the CBR. A CBR composed of novolak resin, hexamethoxymethylmelamine, 1,3,5-tris(trichloromethyl)triazine as an efficient acid generator, and TBAB enables the definition of 0.225-micrometer line-and-space patterns with an exposure dose of only 2 (mu) C/cm2 using an EB writing system (acceleration voltage: 50 kV). The polarity change caused by the reaction of the TBAB with the base as well as crosslinking of the novolak resin by the TBAB are assumed to enhance the contrast in the CBR.

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