Changes in the level of total and individual aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activity in the various tissues of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were followed by the ATP-pyrophosphate (ATP-PP1) exchange procedure throughout seed maturation and germination. During seed development the total synthetase activity in the endosperm increased up to the 5th week after fertilization and thereafter decreased rapidly. Over the same period, synthetase activity in the testa-pencarp decreased markedly, whilst the activity in the developing embryo increased. Many of the individual synthetases conformed with this general pattern although there were several exceptions. The total synthetase activity of both the coleoptile and coleorhiza (root) increased rapidly during the first 2 d of germination whilst the total activity of these enzymes in the scutellum remained constant. After an initial increase on germination, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activity in the testa-aleurone layer remained almost constant until most of the endosperm had been digested. With a few exceptions the relative levels of individual synthetases in the various tissues did not change significantly during seed maturation or germination.