The Relationship of Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolic Clearance of Insulin to Adiposity and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

Previous studies have shown that sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is negatively associated with insulin concentrations in premenopausal women. We determined insulin sensitivity (SI) and clearance (KI) in 8 non-obese men and 13 nonobese premenopausal women using the minimal model of Bergman and colleagues. Insulin clearance and insulin sensitivity were strongly correlated (pI (i.e., individuals with high levels of SHBG had greater insulin sensitivity) in both men (r=.738, p<0.05) and women (r=.577, p<0.06). Insulin clearance was also positively correlated with SHBG in men (r=.619) and in women (r=.476) (0.05<p<0.10). Since