Absence of Hepatitis after Treatment with a Pasteurized Factor VIII Concentrate in Patients with Hemophilia and No Previous Transfusions

Post-transfusion hepatitis is frequent among patients with hemophilia who are treated with concentrated factor VIII prepared from pooled plasma, especially if it is obtained from paid donors. In 26 patients with hemophilia A or von Willebrand's disease who had not been treated with blood or any blood product and hence were highly susceptible to the development of post-transfusion hepatitis, we infused 32 batches of a factor VIII concentrate that had been produced from large pools of human plasma (collected from paid plasmapheresis donors) and then heated in solution at 60°C for 10 hours before final lyophilization. Patients were examined clinically and serologically over a period of 12 months after the first infusion of the pasteurized concentrate. Neither hepatitis nor serologic signs of other viral infections were observed. The hemostatic effectiveness of the concentrate appeared to be satisfactory relative to untreated concentrates. (N Engl J Med 1987;316:918–22.)