An algorithm for simulating self-gravitating cosmological astrophysical fluids is presented. The advantages include a large dynamic range, parallelizability, high resolution per grid element and fast execution speed. The code is based on a finite volume flux conservative Total-Variation-Diminishing (TVD) scheme for the shock capturing hydro, and an iterative multigrid solver for the gravity. The grid is a time dependent field, whose motion is described by a generalized potential flow. Approximately constant mass per cell can be obtained, providing all the advantages of a Lagrangian scheme. The grid deformation combined with appropriate limiting and smoothing schemes guarantees a regular and well behaved grid geometry, where nearest neighbor relationships remain constant. The full hydrodynamic fluid equations are implemented in the curvilinear moving grid, allowing for arbitrary fluid flow relative to the grid geometry. This combination retains all the advantages of the grid based schemes including high speed per fluid element and a rapid gravity solver. The current implementation is described, and empirical simulation results are presented. Accurate execution speed calculations are given in terms of floating point operations per time step per grid cell. This code is freely available to the community.

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