The Color--Magnitude Diagram in Baade's Window Revisited

We have reanalyzed the OGLE $V$ and $I$ photometry of $\sim 500,000$ stars in Baade's Window, and we confirm the extinction map published by Stanek (1996). However, we find that the interpretation of the OGLE color--magnitude diagram for the disk stars proposed by Paczy\'nski et al. (1994) was incorrect: the dominant disk population in Baade's Window is old, and we find no evidence for a large hole in the inner Galactic disk. We find evidence for a small systematic error in the OGLE photometry for stars below the ``red clump'': the faint stars with $V>18$ have their $(V-I)$ color indices too red by $\sim 0.1\;mag$. We find tentative evidence from the OGLE and HST photometry that the the bulge main sequence turn--off point is brighter by $\sim 0.5 \;mag$ than it is in either 47~Tuc or NGC~6791, indicating that the dominant population of the Galactic bulge is considerably younger than those clusters.

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