The information-carrying capacity of the d-dimensional depolarizing channel is computed. It is shown that this capacity can be achieved by encoding messages as products of pure states belonging to an orthonormal basis of the state space, and using measurements which are products of projections onto this same orthonormal basis. In other words, neither entangled signal states nor entangled measurements give any advantage for information capacity. The result follows from an additivity theorem for the product channel /spl Delta//spl ominus//spl Psi/, where /spl Delta/ is the depolarizing channel and /spl Psi/ is a completely arbitrary channel. We establish the Amosov-Holevo-Werner(see Probl. Inform. Transm., vol.36, p.305-313, 2000) p-norm conjecture for this product channel for all p/spl ges/1, and deduce from this the additivity of the minimal entropy and of the Holevo quantity /spl chi//sup */.