Development of pronuclei from human spermatozoa injected microsurgically into frog (Xenopus) eggs

Human spermatozoa were demembranated with Triton X‐100 (TX) and injected into the mature eggs of Xenopus laevis. The nuclei of these spermatozoa decondensed and developed into pronuclei. Chromosomes did not appear in the eggs until the end of a 5‐hr incubation period. When the demembranated human spermatozoa were further treated with dithiothreitol (DTT) before they were injected into the eggs, the sperm nuclear decondensation and pronuclear development took place considerably faster than in spermatozoa treated with the detergent alone. By the end of the 5‐hr incubation period, decondensed chromatin threads or chromosome‐like structures appeared, but none of the eggs cleaved. When human spermatozoa were injected into fullgrown ovarian oocytes with intact germinal vesicle (GV) or oocytes which had matured without GV, the nuclei of a proportion of TX‐treated and all TX‐DTT‐treated sperm decondensed but showed no sign of developing into pronuclei. Sperm nuclei injected into maturing oocytes formed condensed chromatin fragments as long as the oocytes were not activated, but they transformed into pronuclei when the oocytes were stimulated with electric shock. These results indicate that the cytoplasmic factors responsible for the decondensation of human sperm nuclei are present in egg cytoplasm independent of GV‐materials. We also suggest that the factors controlling development of decondensed sperm nuclei into pronuclei are dependent on GV materials.