Previous reports by us1have presented the results of studies dealing with the use of sulfanilamide in the treatment of gonococcic infections. In the present paper it is desired to set forth the results of a similar investigation of sulfapyridine and to compare the adaptability of sulfanilamide and sulfapyridine therapy to the treatment needs of the disease. I. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE WITH SULFANILAMIDE Our efforts during 1937 and 1938 were concentrated on studies of sulfanilamide therapy in gonococcic infections of approximately 1,800 hospitalized male and female patients. Under ideal conditions sulfanilamide proved to be a valuable agent in the treatment of this disease. By means of large doses (1.3 Gm.) of sulfanilamide given at four hour intervals during both day and night, it was possible to effect a high percentage of cures. Although serious toxic effects did not occur in the series, it is well recognized that the character