Norwegian Scabies

Norwegian scabies is a well-defined but infrequently reported entity. There are only 10 cases in the American literature. It was first described in Norway in 1848 and a few years later Hebra1 gave a full account of it in his textbook. Clinically, Norwegian scabies presents a bizarre picture, one quite unlike ordinary scabies. The sign eclipsing all others is crusted hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, sometimes large enough to interfere with normal movements. Oozing is a disagreeable feature. Additionally, there are often enormously thickened nails due to massing of horny material under the nail plate. Elsewhere, and distributed with rough symmetry, there are less florid hyperkeratotic scaling lesions. Pachyonychia congenita and other constitutional anomalies of keratinization are strongly mimicked. Submerged in this picture are the multiform excoriated banal lesions of ordinary scabies concentrated in the usual sites. Itching, however, is generally not so prominent. Frequently, almost pathognomonically, the