Characteristics of UC, ZrC, and (ZrC) (UC) as Thermionic Emitters

Uranium carbide is found to have the property of high thermionic emission in the observed temperature range from 1400 to 1800°K. The parameters of the Richardson equation which can be used to fit the data are A=7.3×105 amp/cm2 (°K)2 and φ=4.57 v. While these parameters accurately predict the observed saturated currents, it is doubtful that such anomalous values are of theoretical significance within the framework of the Richardson-Dushman derivation. A solid solution form of uranium carbide and zirconium carbide gives substantially the same thermionic emission as uranium carbide, and for other reasons appears to be the more useful emitter. The carbides require no surface preparation or activation schedule for use as emitters.

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