The steroid receptor RNA activator protein is recruited to promoter regions and acts as a transcriptional repressor

Products of the steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA1) gene have the unusual property to function both at the RNA and the protein levels. SRA-RNA has long been known to increase the activity of multiple nuclear receptors. It has more recently been proposed than steroid receptor RNA activator protein (SRAP) also modulates steroid receptors activity. Herein, we show for the first time that SRAP physically interacts with multiple transcription factors and is recruited to specific promoter regions. Artificially recruiting SRAP to the promoter of a luciferase reporter gene under the control of the strong transcriptional activator VP16 leads to a decrease in transcription. Altogether we propose that SRAP could be a new transcriptional regulator, able to function as a repressor through direct association with promoters.Structured summaryMINT-7761068: SRAP (uniprotkb:Q9HD15) physically interacts (MI:0915) with HDAC2 (uniprotkb:Q92769) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006
Funding Information
  • Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Cancer Care Manitoba Foundation (CCMF)
  • Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC)
  • Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF)