Influence of spin-orbit scattering on the magnetoresistance due to enhanced electron-electron interactions

We present a systematic study of the spin-orbit scattering effects on the low-temperature resistivity and magnetoresistance in a series of amorphous Ca-Al alloys. The level of the spin-orbit scattering was varied over a wide range from very weak to very strong by progressively adding either Ag or Au for Al. The data are analyzed within weak localization and enhanced electron-electron interaction theories. As the spin-orbit scattering increases, we find that the contribution to the magnetoresistance from electron-electron interaction diminishes to finally vanish, in the limit of extremely strong spin-orbit scattering. The spin-orbit scattering rate is found to increase linearly with the concentration up to 3 at. % of Au. The dephasing rate was also extracted and found to be consistent with electron-phonon scattering.