Taphonomy of modern deep, cold‐temperate water coral reefs

Deep‐water corals are widely distributed along the cold‐temperate northeastern Atlantic continental margin. Despite the widespread occurrence of these aphotic coral constructions in deep shelf settings, the processes of framework formation and postmortem alterations which result in different preservational styles are still poorly known. Detailed mapping surveys on probably one of the largest Lophelia reef structures were carried out on the Sula Ridge, Mid‐Norwegian Shelf in 270 to 300 m depth. Side scan sonar records and camera surveys yield information at various scales of resolution on the reef complex which is more than 9 km long and up to 45 m high. Living Lophelia colonies effectively prevent colonization by other organisms and are successful in the rejection of passing detrital material from the soft tissue. In a healthy condition the coral is able to encrust repetitively attached organisms by selectively secreted sclerenchyme layers, thus, this defensive reaction results in the thickening of the skeleton. Early postmortem alteration in Lophelia colonies is introduced by the formation of a biofilm and Dodgella (fungi) infestation. The biofilm is associated with selective Fe‐Mn precipitation on the coral skeleton. This is the zone of intense attachment of sessile invertebrates such as serpulids, brachiopods, foraminifers and encrusting bryozoans. More advanced taphonomic stages show an increasing dominance in sponges which reduce the interskeletal framework porosity significantly. In addition, boring sponges excavate the thickly calcified Lophelia skeletons, thus leading to in situ collapsing structures on the sea floor. It is the intensity of sediment trapping biofilms and sponge colonization and the amount of imported detrital particles predominantly from the pelagial zone that control the generation of a pure coral rubble facies or the preservation of collapsed but mud‐rich detrital mounds.