Measuring gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences: I. Signal to noise for inspiral, merger, and ringdown

  • 17 January 1997
We estimate the expected signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) from the three phases (inspiral,merger,ringdown) of coalescing binary black holes (BBHs) for initial and advanced ground-based interferometers (LIGO/VIRGO) and for space-based interferometers (LISA). LIGO/VIRGO can do moderate SNR (a few tens), moderate accuracy studies of BBH coalescences in the mass range of a few to about 2000 solar masses; LISA can do high SNR (of order 10^4) high accuracy studies in the mass range of about 10^5 to 10^8 solar masses. BBHs might well be the first sources detected by LIGO/VIRGO: they are visible to much larger distances(up to 500 Mpc by initial interferometers) than coalescing neutron star binaries (heretofore regarded as the "bread and butter" workhorse source for LIGO/VIRGO, visible to about 30 Mpc by initial interferometers). Low-mass BBHs (up to 50 solar masses for initial LIGO interferometers; 100 for advanced; 10^6 for LISA) are best searched for via their well-understood inspiral waves; higher mass BBHs must be searched for via their poorly understood merger waves and/or their well-understood ringdown waves. A matched filtering search for massive BBHs based on ringdown waves should be capable of finding BBHs in the mass range of about 100 to 700 solar masses out to 200 Mpc (initial LIGO interferometers), and 200 to 3000 solar masses out to about z=1 (advanced interferometers). The required number of templates is of order 6000 or less. Searches based on merger waves could increase the number of detected massive BBHs by a factor of order 10 or more over those found from inspiral and ringdown waves, without detailed knowledge of the waveform shapes, using a nonlinear filtering search algorithm. A full set of merger templates from numerical relativity could further increase the number of detected BBHs by an additional factor of up to 4.