Summary: Oral methoxsalen and long-wave ultraviolet light (PUVA) was evaluated in 187 psoriatics, with emphasis on remission and recurrence after therapy. The mean number of years psoriasis had been present was 18.3, the mean psoriatic involvement 34.8% the dose at the time of maximum clearance was 11.8 J/cm2, and the mean number of treatments to achieve maximum clearance was 175. Complete clearance was achieved in sixty-one patients and in this group the average number of treatments to achieve maximum clearance was 16.8, the initial remission times ranged from 4 to 64 weeks, with an average of 21.6 weeks. In patients subsequently retreated, the remission time was only 12.4 weeks (57%), but the mean number of treatments to achieve maximum clearance was reduced (11.4) and patients responded more easily to treatment. Sixteen patients were treated in addition to PUVA, with anthralin in Lassars' paste with clearing achieved between six and fifteen treatments, a mean of 9.5.Combinations of PUVA with other forms of psoriatic treatment may also help to reduce the cumulative PUVA exposures.

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