Contribution of osmium tetroxide to the image quality and detectability of iron in cells studied by electron spectroscopic imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy

The detection of elemental distributions within ultrastructural cellular components presents a number of challenges. There are many technical questions that need to be resolved including optimal fixation protocols. Another is the impact of heavy metals, such as osmium tetroxide (OsO4), on the detectability of other elements when OsO4 is used in chemical fixation protocols for biological samples. OsO4 was examined by varying its concentrations from 0% to 1% and time of fixation from 5 to 30 minutes with hamster alveolar macrophages. The morphological quality of cellular images observed and the detectability of iron using electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) were evaluated. One percent OsO4 for 30 minutes in the chemical fixation protocol enhances the quality of the ESI and does not interfere with the ESI or EELS signal of iron. Positive results from both methods indicate the presence of the specific element. The loss of 59Fe during the chemical fixation procedure was also studied. Less than 10% was lost during the primary fixation step, but minimal losses occurred through dehydration, embedding, and sectioning. Careful technical assessment of the presence of an element as well as factors which might interfere with its detection is an important step in the application of any analytical microscopic technique.