Eight-Year Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Total Mastectomy and Lumpectomy with or without Irradiation in the Treatment of Breast Cancer

In 1985 we presented results of a randomized trial involving 1843 women followed for five years that indicated that segmental breast resection (lumpectomy) followed by breast irradiation is appropriate therapy for patients with Stage I or II breast cancer (tumor size, ≤4 cm), provided that the margins of the resected specimens are free of tumor. Women with positive axillary nodes received adjuvant chemotherapy. Lumpectomy followed by irradiation resulted in a five-year survival rate of 85 percent, as compared with 76 percent for total mastectomy, a rate of survival free of distant disease of 76 percent, as compared with 72 percent, and a disease-free survival rate of 72 percent, as compared with 66 percent.