Oxygen transfer performance of a new Sarns membrane oxygenator

Oxygen transfer performance of the SMO2, a new hollow-fibre membrane oxygenator from Sarns/3M, was evaluated. The maximum oxygen transfer of the SMO2 (504 ml O2/min) was 57% higher than that for the SMO. This was true even though the membrane surface area increased by only 11 % (1.8 m2 to 2.0 m2). The average gas phase-arterial oxygen gradient and the average shunt fraction was decreased by 35% and 30% respectively. The diffusing capacity of the SMO2 was increased by 74% over the SMO. The oxygen transfer performance compared favourably, not only to the SMO, but to five other previously evaluated membrane oxygenators. It performed better in each category regardless of whether the result was expressed in absolute terms or relative to membrane surface area.