Molecular weight and net charge of peroxidase isozymes in F1 hybrids between L and S flax genotrophs

In the F1 hybrids between Durrant's L and Durrant's S flax genotrophs, the relative mobilities of the anionic peroxidase isozymes were essentially the same as those in the L parent. The isozymes in both parents and their F1's were compared over a range of acrylamide gel concentrations, with plots of log relative mobility against gel concentration. Plots of comparative mobility, relative to the internal standard hemoglobin, against concentration were also examined. Both approaches provided evidence that apparent molecular weight modifications underlay the shift in mobility between the parents and the resemblance of the F1's to L, the parent which was homozygous for the dominant alleles controlling the mobility shift for at least two of the isozymes.