Transcatheter Microembolization with Ferropblysaccharide A New Approach to Ferromagnetic Embolization of Tumors

A new embolic material has been devised to improve the therapeutic effect of ferromagnetic embolization upon tumors. Iron sponge microspheres (diameter 10-30 .mu.) were suspended in viscous, aqueous polysaccharide solution, dextran 40 and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (ferropolysaccharide, FPS). Transcather embolization with FPS was performed under external magnetic control (2800 gauss) in dog kidneys and VX2 carcinomas of rabbits, causing widespread, intraparenchymal vascular occlusion of target vessels. Neither recanalization nor collateral circulation was found to the infarcted areas and the embolized tumors had extensive necrosis with resultant tumor regression. No significant untoward reaction or other undesirable embolization was noted serologically or histologically, even after i.v. administration of FPS. Clinical application to 2 patients, 1 with a hepatoma and the other with a renal cell carcinoma, resulted in excellent tumor infarction with no significant side effects.