Ultrastructural localization of urate oxidase in nodules of Sesbania exaltata, Glycine max, and Medicago sativa

The localization of urate oxidase (=uricase, E.C. was determined cytochemically in nodules of Sesbania exaltata (Raf.) Cory, soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa [L.]), using the precipitation of peroxide (produced during the oxidation of urate) by cerium chloride. Cerium perhydroxide reaction product was noted only in the microbodies, a localization consistent with biochemical fractionation studies on urate oxidase. Urate oxidase was present not only in the uninfected cells of the cortical tissue, but also in both infected and interstitial cells in the central tissue, suggesting that at least this enzyme of ureide metabolism is not confined to interstitial cells. Urate oxidase cytochemistry of nodules from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), an amide producer, also resulted in microbody staining but the microbodies were infrequently noted in cell profiles.