Aberrant Herpesvirus-Induced Polyadenylation Correlates With Cellular Messenger RNA Destruction

Regulation of messenger RNA (mRNA) stability plays critical roles in controlling gene expression, ensuring transcript fidelity, and allowing cells to respond to environmental cues. Unregulated enhancement of mRNA turnover could therefore dampen cellular responses to such signals. Indeed, several herpesviruses instigate widespread destruction of cellular mRNAs to block host gene expression and evade immune detection. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) promotes this phenotype via the activity of its viral SOX protein, although the mechanism of SOX-induced mRNA turnover has remained unknown, given its apparent lack of intrinsic ribonuclease activity. Here, we report that KSHV SOX stimulates cellular transcriptome turnover via a unique mechanism involving aberrant polyadenylation. Transcripts in SOX-expressing cells exhibit extended poly(A) polymerase II-generated poly(A) tails and polyadenylation-linked mRNA turnover. SOX-induced polyadenylation changes correlate with its RNA turnover function, and inhibition of poly(A) tail formation blocks SOX activity. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic poly(A) binding proteins are critical cellular cofactors for SOX function, the latter of which undergoes striking nuclear relocalization by SOX. SOX-induced mRNA turnover therefore represents both a novel mechanism of host shutoff as well as a new model system to probe the regulation of poly(A) tail-stimulated mRNA turnover in mammalian cells. During viral infection, many essential cellular functions are targets for viral manipulation, yet aside from RNA interference, surprisingly few examples of viruses disrupting RNA turnover have been documented. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is an oncogenic virus that induces widespread cellular messenger RNA destabilization during lytic infection. The viral protein SOX is a critical effector of this phenotype, yet it lacks ribonuclease activity, so presumably it targets cellular factors governing RNA stability. Here, we show that SOX stimulates host mRNA destruction via a unique mechanism involving polyadenylation. During SOX expression, newly formed messages have longer than normal poly(A) tails, leading to their retention in the nucleus. Coincident with this hyperadenylation, poly(A) binding protein (PABPC) is relocalized from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. PABPC has prominent roles in translation, messenger RNA stabilization, and quality control in the cytoplasm; we find its nuclear relocalization by SOX correlates with enhanced mRNA turnover in the cytoplasm. Thus, KSHV appears to have evolved distinct polyadenylation-linked mechanisms to target both new messages in the nucleus and preexisting cytoplasmic messages for destruction, thereby effectively inhibiting cellular gene expression.