Effet de I’acide tannique sur la sécrétion gastrique chez le rat

We have studied the effect of tannic acid on gastric secretion in the stomach of the rat [Shay et al., 1945]. Using both single and repeated dosages, our findings disclose: The administration of a single dose (30 mg/kg body weight) of tannic acid has no influence on the secretory capacity of the stomach, but inhibits the peptic activity of the gastric juice and partly precipitates the mucin which, normally, plays a protective role. Tannic acid administered at repeated dosages increases the secretion of pepsin and free acidity and reduces the concentration of mucin in the gastric juice; we have detected no case of gastric ulceration. On the whole, however, these results can be compared with ulcerogenic conditions observed in denutrition; it must be mentioned that rats subjected to diets containing tannic acid, despite a very rich diet from the point of view of growth resemble under-nourished animals in their behavior.

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