Background: A disturbed epithelial barrier function has been promoted as one factor in the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). We therefore studied the effect of acid perfusion on the transmural potential difference (PD) of the distal esophagus in relation to onset of reflux symptoms. Methods: PD was assessed during perfusion with saline and with 0.1 M HCl in healthy controls (n = 17) and in GERD patients without (n = 15) or with esophagitis (n = 6) and in remission after a fundoplication (n = 10). Heartburn and other upper GI symptoms were recorded concomitantly. Endoscopy-negative patients were studied before and after omeprazole treatment. Results: HCl perfusion induced more lumen-negative peak PD values in patients with active GERD, regardless of the presence or absence of esophagitis, than in healthy controls. After successful therapy, the PD response to acid perfusion equalled that of healthy subjects. Acid perfusion was associated with the onset of heartburn in most patients with active GERD but in none of the healthy subjects, and less frequently after medical and surgical therapy. Conclusions: The epithelial permeability to hydrogen ions differs between healthy subjects and patients with active GERD. Effective treatment, such as omeprazole or fundoplication, might improve the barrier function.