EPR study of spin dynamics near the percolation threshold of Rb2MncMg1cF4

Electron-paramagnetic-resonance studies of the dilute two-dimensional antiferromagnet Rb2MncMg1cF4 are reported versus both concentration and temperature. Particular attention has been paid to the temperature-dependent resonance linewidth near the percolation threshold, ccp=0.59, where a variety of interesting effects are observed: At high temperatures the linewidth is dominated by the long-time, q0 diffusive part of the dipolar interaction having (3cos2θ1)2 anisotropy characteristic of two-dimensional systems. This contribution increases rapidly below the percolation concentration due to slowing of spin diffusion as the spin network breaks up into finite clusters. For T<30 K and ccp the linewidth is dominated by antiferromagnetic correlation effects leading to rapid line broadening as T decreases and a change of anisotropy. Both effects are only crudely described by the RPA theory. For c<cp most of the resonance intensity remains centered at g=2 down to the lowest temperatures reflecting the absence of long-range order. Near and above cp and for T<4.2 K some intensity is shifted to lower fields, however, as the percolation cluster orders. Most remarkable is the appearance of a nine-line superstructure on the g=2 resonance at 1.6 K in samples near the percolation concentration. This illustrates the critical slowing of spin dynamics on a time scale of 109 sec and is believed to be the resonance of spins surrounded by nonmagnetic nearest neighbors but coupled to next-nearest-neighbor spins, most of which are locked to clusters. Evidence of anisotropic spin fluctuations and the possibility of reduced next-nearest-neighbor exchange or very large zero-point spin deviation is found in this regime.