Production efficiency in small mammal populations

Data from 102 populations of small mammals from 9 ecosystem types in Europe and in North and Central America were analyzed to define the relationship between productivity and respiration in insectivore and rodent populations. Productivity includes addition of new tissue in the form of growth of individual members of the population and new individuals added by reproduction. All data were recalculated to kilojoules per hectare per year. Linear regression was performed on logarithmic transformation of the data to determine the allometric form of the equation relating production to respiration. The relationship for rodents was determined to be: P=0.026 R 1.008 The relationship for shrews was significantly different both in slope and intercept from that for rodents, and was determined to be: P=0.543 R 0.628 The data were also divided according to functional group or trophic level, in addition to taxonomic grouping. Significant differences were found between herbivores and granivores but not among taxonomic divisions other than the Insectivora. Thus, ecological energetics of small mammals is correlated with trophic position but not with taxonomic position. These equations can be used for prediction of production in rodent and shrew populations where the biomass or respiration is known, thereby aiding the evaluation of trophic relationships in terrestrial communities. Production efficiency is lowest for insectivores (0.7%), and is higher for granivores (2.3%), omnivores (2.6%), and for herbivores (3.4%). The three parameters of respiration, production and assimilation define the conditions for existence of individual mammal populations. Population growth characteristics and species strategies are correlated with energetics and moderated through diet selection by the environment.