Serum pancreatic polypeptide (PP), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), insulin and glucose responses tomeal stimulation were studied in 10 normal weight patients, 13 normal obese patients and 7 patients with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) associated obesity. Serum and plasma concentrations of PP, glucose, insulin and GIP were obtained at 15 min intervals from 0–180 min. after a 275 K calorie meal. Basal and peak responses of glucose, for patients with PWS were significantly lower when compared to normalor obese controls. Basal and peak insulin responses in PWS were significantly greater than those of the normal controls but still less than those of the obese controls. Basal GIP concentrations in the patients with PWS were significantly less than normals and their peak response was less than the obese control group. No significant differences in basal or peak PP responses were noted between normal and obese controls. All 7 patients with PWS had abnormal PP responses. Five failed to show significant PP release after the stimulation; one had a peak response to 130 pg/ml while the 7th patient (PB) had anexaggerated response to 2000 pg/ml. The 6 patients with low or no response had basal PP values of 62±12 pg/ml and a mean PP peak response of 78±15 pg/ml. This observation of blunted PP response in a human model of hyperphagia and obesity parallels the animal models and suggests PP may have a significant role in appetite control.