HIV Prevention Community Planning: Challenges and Opportunities for Data-Informed Decision-Making

The use of data in decision-making by the Massachusetts Prevention Planning Group (MPPG) wasassessed using multiple methods: in-depth interviews, member surveys, directed observations, and archival review. Three factors known to influence group decision-making were of interest: (1) member characteristics, (2) group structure, and (3) data inputs. Membership characteristics were not related to reliance on data. However, group structure factors and data inputs were directly related to reliance on data. Most members accepted an advisory role and felt participation was worthwhile. About half were dissatisfied with decision-making processes, citing member conflicts and distrust. Incompleteness of data, inadequate presentation quality, and lengthy intervals between presentations and actual decision-making were identified as deficits. Although most members reported skills with HIV- and intervention-related data, most also reported deficiencies in interpreting evaluation and cost-effectiveness studies. Member trust and use of data in decision-making could be improved by clarifying decision-making structures and processes, assuring high-quality data presentations, and supporting or training members to better interpret and use data.